What a gift celebrate community together with The Marian Cheek Jackson Center for Saving and Making History at the 2019 Northside Festival: Reunite! Both organizations are celebrating 10 years in community and gathered at the festival to dance, eat, and celebrate each-other on this beautiful day! So much thanks goes out to the Jackson Center and all the amazing community members that came together to perform and share their gifts with everyone!
Archive | Events
CEF Summit 2019 Reflections

Written by Joyce Yao and Connie Longmate
“Stay in school, stay in the Movement.”
— Reverend Liz Theoharis of the Poor People’s Campaign,
On the first weekend in March, CEF Advocates from UNC and Duke put aside their rivalries, to come together and co-host the 2nd annual Summit on Homelessness and Poverty! The three-day summit brought together over 100 students from 25 schools from across the country to share experiences, workshop ideas, and learn from longtime local community organizers. Their collective goal was to continue to grow a national coalition of student organizations dedicated to dismantling systems that perpetuate hunger, homelessness, and poverty.
“The cost of poverty, broadly, is so much higher than the cost of paying people fairly.”
—Jill Johnson, Mayor Pro Tem
Last year, students at Brown University held the inaugural Summit on Homelessness and Poverty that brought together a coalition of student organizations from across the country dedicated to dismantling systems that perpetuate homelessness and poverty. In the 8 months of planning, the summit vision truly came together when Megan Miller and Olivia Simpson proposed that the theme of the Summit be “Abundance,” with the idea that the communities we work within have an abundance of love, resilience, and (as CEF likes to say) people who are “creative resourceful and whole”— and therefore our work should be about uplifting and celebrating that abundance. Hosting this summit meant that we got to help to create a unique space for students to reflect on and share about the abundance in their own communities.
“Joy can be an act of revolution!”
—George Barrett, The Marian Cheek Jackson Center
The weekend was a tremendous labor of love. A true test of the commitment to the work we do, as well as of our ability to open ourselves up to new forms of the pursuit of social justice, which is important perspective when you find yourself debating seemingly trivial things like the number of coffee cups to order and the most fitting genre of music for the welcome reception. We succeeded in bringing together students from different regions of the country involved in all kinds of anti-poverty and homelessness work, effectively connecting one another to a network of students engaged in demanding work that requires the solidarity and accountability that community offers. I’m especially proud of the fundraising we chased extra hard with the goal of lowering financial barriers for folks to participate.
“If you don’t know you don’t know, but once you know, I’m going to hold you accountable.”
— Andrea Hudson, Community Bail Fund
We created sessions around Race Policing and Poverty, Vulnerable Populations, Public Health, Urban Renewal & Displacement (watch the video below), Social Service Gaps and How We Fill Them, Advocating for Policy Change to facilitate a space where students could share, learn, and grow from peers. Hosting the summit also gave us the opportunity to spotlight longtime community organizations and organizers who shared their brilliant wisdom and experiences of organizing in the South.
We are so grateful for our community partners and all of the students who are working alongside their communities to fight for justice through the celebration abundance. It was an honor to host the 2nd annual summit and we’re excited to continue to build the Student Coalition Against Homelessness & Poverty.
CEF Graduation and 10 Year Celebration at the Northside Festival!
Come together and celebrate graduating CEF Members and Advocates and all that is Northside—past, present, and future. All are welcome, free for the whole community! All members of the CEF and the greater community — Members, Advocates, family, friends, supporters, fans, partners, and neighbors. Join CEF graduates, enjoy delicious food, and sing-along and dance-along with the CEF community!
At 2pm we’ll gather in the St Joseph Church at 510 W Rosemary St, Chapel Hill, NC 27516
Rides Available: Chapel Hill, call (919) 200-0233
Sew your square into our community quilt, plant spring annuals to take home, enjoy old-school field games—and kick up your heels to Bubba Norwood and Harvey Dalton Arnold rocking out the blues, the revival of the Jr Weaver Gospel Singers (featuring knock-your-socks-off recording artist, Sheila Caldwell Evans), and a surprise banjo picking guest—
Bring a chair, lend a hand. For more info, call or write the Marian Cheek Jackson Center at 919-960-1670, contact@jacksoncenter.info.
Rev. Troy Harrison Honorary Pig Pickin’ w/ Parrish Bros. Farm
— Rockin’ Blues w/ Bubba Norwood & Harvey Dalton Arnold
— The Jr. Weaver Gospel Singers on stage again!
— MEGA Praise
— St. Paul’s Step Team
— OC Jammers
— CEF Advocacy Choir
— Community Quilting
— Spades Tourney
— Old Fashion Field Games!
— Dancing in the street!

March 01 – March 03
CEF student Advocates at UNC and Duke are working together to convene the Abundance: Summit on Homelessness and Poverty 2019 on March 1-3. The Summit is bringing together over 100 students from across the country to think critically about the intersections of homelessness and poverty in the U.S., share experiences and workshop our organizational impact in our communities, and ultimately build a coalition of student organizations dedicated to addressing and dismantling systems that perpetuate hunger, homelessness, and poverty. The full Summit is at capacity but two keynotes and two events are open to the public!
Events Open to the Public
- March 1st 7:30pm — Rosalyn Pelles – CEF Summit Opening Keynote
Rosalyn Pelles is giving the opening Keynote at the Summit! She has been at the forefront of activism and national organizing, playing key roles in organizations like the NC NAACP, AFL-CIO, and the Moral Monday Movement. Click here for more details!
- March 2nd 7:30pm — Abundant Spoken Word
Poetry and spoken word performances by CJ Suitt, UNC Wordsmiths, Emilio Taiveaho! Click here for more details!
- March 2nd 8:30-11pm — Summit After-Party at the B-Side Lounge
Allison Demarco and Damon Seils are hosting a to bring the students and the community together to raise funds to help end homelessness and poverty in Orange County! Click here for more details!
- March 3rd 12:00pm – Jillian Johnson – CEF Summit Closing Keynote
Jillian Johnson is giving the closing Keynote at the Summit! She is the Mayor Pro Tempore of the city of Durham, the co-founder of Durham for All, an organization working to build a multi-racial, cross-class, political vehicle in Durham, and a long-time community organizer and activist. Click here for more details!
Last year, students at Brown University held the first inaugural Summit on Homelessness and Poverty. In doing so, they brought together a coalition of student organizations from across the country dedicated to dismantling systems that perpetuate hunger, homelessness, and poverty.
This year, CEF is partnering with UNC and Duke to host the Summit. We look forward to welcoming students to our campus from across the country to engage in these critical topics.

CEF Holiday Parties
You’re Invited: 9th Annual Holiday Parties in both Durham and Chapel Hill.
Who: All members of the CEF (extended) family — members, advocates, family, friends, supporters, fans, partners, and neighbors
Rides Available: Chapel Hill, call (919) 200-0233; Durham, call (919) 797-9233
Wednesday, December 5th from 6pm – 8pm
Trinity Avenue Presbyterian Church, 927 W Trinity Ave, Durham, NC

Saturday, December 8th from 5pm – 8pm
Chapel of the Cross, 304 E. Franklin Street, Chapel Hill, NC

CEF Hosting 2019 Summit On Housing & Homelessness
MARCH 1-3, 2019
Last year, students at Brown University hosted the inaugural Summit on Homelessness and Poverty in Providence, Rhode Island—bringing together a coalition of student organizations from across the country dedicated to dismantling systems that perpetuate hunger, homelessness, and poverty.
This year, CEF advocates at UNC and Duke are excited to welcome student organizers to North Carolina for the second Summit on Homelessness and Poverty. We see Duke and UNC as partners in addressing poverty and gentrification in the Triangle, and we hope that our two schools can be at the forefront of national student action to prevent homelessness. We are looking forward to continuing the conversations we started last year at Brown and to strengthening relationships with student organizers across the country.
Interested in learning more about the intersectional reality of poverty in the United States? Want to learn more about the anti-poverty work of other student organizations around the country?
Join us by:
- Registering: Click Here
- Purchasing Tickets: Click Here
More information at https://summitatcef.wixsite.com/abundance

CEF’s Night Out – Nov 14th!
CEF’s Night Out — Nov 14th, 5pm-11pm!
CEF Members have saved $1,000,000 collectively(communityef.org/1-million/), and we’re continuing the celebration at Steel String! Join us for a benefit night at Steel String for an evening of amazing food, drinks, discussion and musical guests!
Proceeds from the night go to CEF ( $5 suggested donation!)
5pm – Community Philosophy Time!
6pm – Rachel Despard
7pm – Kate Rhudy
8pm – Tain
Come to Philosophy Time at 5pm to join a community discussion about issues connected to CEF’s work. We will be discussing Housing First, and its implications nationally and locally. Check out these articles for background reading:
$1,000,000 Dollars Saved!
🐖One giant pig. One million dollars saved.💰
Thank you so much to everyone who came out to the Piggy Bank Bash to celebrate CEF Members’ amazing accomplishment last night. We’re proud to be part of such an amazingly supportive community and extremely thankful for all of the warmth and encouragement shared and received last night. We’re also filled with gratitude at the generosity of Grub, who generously hosted and fed us all for free, and all of our West End neighbors and friends, who pitched in with raffle prizes ( Pauli Murray Project, The Cookery, and Steel String ) and supplying a sound system (the Durham Co-op Market 🎤).
Partners from Families Moving Forward, Self-Help, Inter-Faith Council for Social Service, Vimala’s Curryblossom Café also came out and shared their support in full force! If you want to continue partying it up with CEF this year, we hope to see you at Steel String on Wed, November 14 at CEF’s Night Out at Steel String
2018 Orange County Affordable Housing Summit Report

In February, over 175 community leaders showed up to the Orange County Affordable Housing Summit last to learn about the state of the affordable housing crisis! It was an amazing opportunity to build a shared understanding and collaborate in developing real solutions to increase housing access and affordability in this community!
This month, the official Summit Report was released by the Orange County Affordable Housing Coalition. It’s an amazing resource that summarizes learning from the 2018 Summit, including the current state of affordable housing in Orange County, potential solutions to the affordable housing crisis, and information from community partners on affordable housing projects! Learn more at housingorange.org .

Piggy Bank Bash – 2018 Celebration

When: Monday, October 29th, 6:00pm – 9:00pm
Where: GRUB Durham, 1200 W Chapel Hill St, Durham, NC 27701
Ticket Price: $30 (100% donated to CEF)
Your $30 donation gets you a ticket to:(discounts for Members/Advocates/Students)
🥘A delicious GRUB Dinner (w/ vegan options) & 1 drink!
👂A chance to learn more about CEF’s work in housing and economic justice!
🎶Songs by the CEF Advocacy Choir!
🎉Hang out and celebrate with the CEF crew!
⁉ What’s in the box?! Find out the secret!
💸The best part? 100% of ticket proceeds go to CEF!
The first 30 folks to use “EARLYPIG” get $10 off the regular price!
We have an exciting secret to share! Join us on Monday, October 29th to support the innovative work of the Community Empowerment Fund through a fundraiser hosted by GRUB Durham. This will be a night of education, food, drink, and camaraderie. There will be ample opportunities to learn about CEF’s work and mission at the event while meeting CEF members, supporters, West End neighbors, and more.
100% of the ticket proceeds benefit CEF. Purchase tickets here. The GRUB Durham team looks forward to celebrating and supporting CEF’s continuing work with you!
About CEF: CEF supports over 1,000 Members in Durham and Orange Counties experiencing homelessness or financial insecurity to gain jobs, secure housing, and build savings. Founded in 2009, CEF coordinates hundreds of trained volunteer Advocates, primarily from area universities, to work alongside CEF Members towards achieving their personal goals.
Can’t make it to the party?