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Cupcakes at Coffee Hour!

We loved this picture and had to share it with the world. Sherry Kinlaw, our beloved Board of Directors Treasurer, sent us a surprise delivery of delicious cupcakes a Friday morning a couple weeks ago. Our volunteers and members made quick work of them — thanks, Sherry!

We host “CEF Coffee Hour” every Friday at the Community Empowerment Fund’s office on Franklin Street. Join us some Friday! We don’t always have cupcakes, but we do always have good cheer, plenty of coffee and bagels, and great company.

See you on Fridays!


Members Helping Members

Tommy and Rufus, two CEF Members, helping their fellow member move her furniture into her *new* apartment

When a CEF Member had to move out of her old apartment and into her new home last week, her fellow CEF Members were the first people there to offer a hand and help.

For all of us, the best part about being involved in CEF is the family. For Equashia’s big move, her CEF Advocate (the wonderful Kemper) recruited her college roommate to come and help, and Tommy and Rufus (see pictures!) helped Equashia move all her furniture and boxes in, and got it all done in just an afternoon. Thank you, Tommy, Rufus, Kemper and Sarah!

In gratitude, Equashia is organizing a clean-up day at Tommy’s this coming Saturday, March 10th. She is recruiting fellow members to come help Tommy clean up and settle in to his new place. If you are interested, please contact — Equashia and her fellow CEF Alumni would love to have your support.

Unloading the moving truck









Equashia (CEF Member), Kemper (her CEF Advocate), and Sarah (Kemper's roommate who came to help!)


Act Now! Your Donations Doubled

Thank you Stewards Fund!

The Stewards Fund challenge begins today!

Donate between March 1st and June 1st, and your donation will be doubled.

Act now, and your $25 donation becomes $50, your $100 gift becomes $200, your $250 contribution becomes $500… doubling your gift for twice the impact in our community.

Why donate to the Community Empowerment Fund? Because you provide one-on-one and ongoing support to unemployed and under-employed individuals, and help low-resource micro-entrepreneurs start and sustain businesses. You bring a unique community of college students and community members together, working alongside each other towards each individual’s financial freedom and well-being.

See the stories of transformation your support makes possible. Meet Maria. Meet Gary.

Join the movement, and help us reach our challenge of raising $10,000 before June 1st. Together, we can get meet the challenge. Thank you for your partnership.


A Note of Thanks


John Miller recently came into our office to work on his resume, cover letter and job-searching with us. He sent us a thank-you note after his visit that was just too good not to share! We are so grateful to have had John come in to the office and we hope to have a continuing relationship with him. Thanks for your kind words, John!




I know you felt that what you were doing was just a part of that
organization’s mission, but still I am very grateful for the
assistance. I could of course have gotten Services for the Blind to
help, and if I continue to require further aid I will solicit and make
use of their resources. But the bureaucracy would not have moved
quickly enough to respond to that immediate opportunity, and I don’t
really know if I would have gotten that kind of thorough vetting of my
resume from a team of people. I extend my thanks to all of the
individuals who contributed some form of suggestion as to how that
document could be enhanced, actually.
I have placed the resume and cover letter in the person’s box who
agreed to forward it on, and now I await the determination of whether
I can proceed with preparing to do this job. I will of course keep you
updated as to what happens.
Thanks again for the time and effort put into that. I really don’t
take it for granted.



Two Feature Stories

From Reese News, featuring CEF’s own Michael Wood:

“In the world of addiction, according to Michael Wood, you ‘recover, die or go to jail.’

“Wood battled a decades-long cocaine addiction before quitting at the age of 59.

“Watch a video of his story here.

Reese News published a news article, “Addiction: A cunning adversary,” profiling Michael Wood. Since recovering from his addiction, Mike has joined the staff at CEF and currently teaches weekly job readiness and financial education classes, and provides ongoing peer support to individuals recovering from homelessness, economic crisis, or addiction.

The Community Empowerment Fund is blessed to have Mike on our team. Read more about the impact his leadership has had on CEF.

Thank you, Mike, for your continued commitment to helping others succeed, and the many ways in which you empower. And thanks to the folks at Reese News for covering this story!


Lend for America

The Community Empowerment Fund will be one of three nationwide host organizations for “Lend for America,” a new summer internship program for college students to start microfinance organizations in campus communities.

You’ll spend your summer at Lend for America working with real people, real businesses, and real money. You’ll get to meet entrepreneurs, review loans, and see how microenterprise works in the U.S. You’ll be working with people who’ve chosen careers with a conscience.

CEF and our initiative here in North Carolina was “selected for being leaders in the campus MFI movement.” We’re honored by the opportunity, and encourage any students from other campuses who are interested to apply for this 8-week summer internship program. Visit the Lend for America website for more information.
Thank you to our partners at the Campus Microfinance Alliance and Lend for America for making this internship available to students from across the country, and for advancing the field of microfinance in the U.S.

Thanks, Chapel Hill RBC Bank!

Jochen Schwarz, Chapel Hill RBC Branch Manager, presents a celebratory check to Maggie West (Coordinator), Amanda Abbott (CEF Member), and Audrey Boyles (Advocate Coordinator).

Thank you for your donation, RBC!

The RBC Bank in Chapel Hill has been a great supporter and strong partner for CEF’s work since the very beginning. From donating our first office space to hosting our initial savings program, the branch staff’s collaboration has been essential to our progress.

This holiday season, we’re glad to send the staff our gratitude — for this generous donation and their ongoing partnership! Happy holidays to all of the staff!


CEF Savings Program Featured by CFED Blog!

Check it out! Alex Biggers, CEF’s Savings Program Coordinator, was invited to write a guest post on the CFED Inclusive Economy Blog. We’re famous!

Read Alex’s entire and beautifully written post on the CFED Inclusive Economy Blog by clicking here, or check out the excerpt below.

“While traditional Individual Development Accounts (IDAs) work towards three main asset purchases – homeownership, education, and small business development – we recognized that savings and housing were in themselves assets to the homeless living in and transitioning out of shelters. While staying at shelters, expenses tend to be minimal. However, when it comes time for many residents to move out, they find that despite their best efforts, they still don’t have enough money – for a rental deposit, furniture, utility deposits, and a financial cushion for emergencies. Though some may have enough funds to move into proper housing, many people have a hard time keeping up with their rent while dealing with volatile incomes and unexpected expenses, and many even return to homelessness.

“Based on the unique need of our members, we structured the savings accounts to incentivize savings towards anything the CEF members see valuable, be it $2000 for an emergency fund, $150 towards a refurbished laptop, or $900 to move into new housing. CEF members define both the amount of the goal and the asset. Unlike a traditional IDA, the CEF match rate is only 10%. Although low compared to other match savings programs, CEF staff has found that this rate truly does incentivize saving, while still allowing the program to remain flexible and easy to administer.

“…Through a network of strong relationships, assertive individualized support, flexible accounts and matches, holistic education, and self-selected goals, CEF continues to facilitate savings, promote asset-building, and create access to a mainstream financial world for a population normally deemed “too poor” to be served by most IDAs. By continuing to listen to and believe in our members that have believed so much in us, we hope that we can move our community closer to realizing their own self-defined goals and promoting financial stability.”

Our thanks to the folks at the Corporation for Enterprise Development for spreading the word about the Community Empowerment Fund and our savings program!


The Scoop on CEF’s Durham Branch – From Janet Xiao, Durham Program Co-Coordinator

How It All Got Started

Dreams of a Durham branch first began when the CEF team realized that there was a high demand for CEF’s services in the Durham area. Since its inception, CEF has received numerous calls from both residents and social service agencies in Durham. Sometimes inquirers were able to make their way to the Chapel Hill office, or volunteers were able to meet them in Durham, but ultimately it was hard to sustain the cross-city relationship.

Because of Duke University’s numerous connections with UNC (rivalries and otherwise) and its location in Durham, the occasion for an institutional partnership was perfect. Many factors coalesced to make it all happen – interested students from the two campuses came together through Bob Korstad and Jim Leloudis’ joint UNC-Duke class on poverty, and the Kenan-Biddle Partnership awarded CEF a grant that would fund the Durham endeavor. Multiple community partners were highly supportive of the expansion – doors opened at CASCADE @ Durham and Housing for New Hope for volunteers to hold Opportunity Classes, and the Self-Help Credit Union generously donated office space in a prime location downtown.

CEF Durham branch’s first initiatives were carried out during the Spring semester of 2011. With support from Santiago Beltran, Duke students Hannah Colton and Nancy McKinstry co-led an Opportunity Class at CASCADE, a substance abuse treatment program for pregnant, postpartum, and parenting women and their children. In addition, Donesha Pitts became the Durham branch’s first “member” to be paired with Advocates, Duke students Laurel Sister and me.


At the Dove and Phoenix House

After the semester ended, I stayed to complete a summer DukeEngage program with CEF. The summer staff team and I continued the work of the Durham branch. Alex, Maggie, and I paid weekly “finance office hours” visits to the Dove House, Housing for New Hope’s transitional housing unit for women recovering from addictions. The Dove House’s residents welcomed CEF volunteers to their dining table, consistently finding time in their busy schedules to check credit reports, craft budgets, and plan for their financial future.

In July, we met the Phoenix House men at the first Housing for New Hope Opportunity Class, held jointly between the two houses. These classes have been held once every two weeks, and we have just completed the first set of an eight-session curriculum. Along with these classes, several of the Dove and Phoenix House residents have opened up CEF Savings Accounts. Both the Dove and Phoenix Houses have never ceased to be gracious in hosting us, and it has been an absolute pleasure spending Wednesday evenings and Thursday afternoons with them.


Getting Established at Duke

At Duke, our efforts are underway in recruiting a solid team of advocates. Volunteers interested in getting involved in CEF have started out by attending Opportunity Classes at the Dove and Phoenix Houses. A few students have now been paired with Members as Advocates, and are beginning to work closely with their members.

This process has been greatly facilitated by a team that has taken on specific roles in organizing volunteers and connecting to community partners. Cara Haselrig, who is currently completing an internship with CEF, has been instrumental in pairing members with advocates. Recent UNC graduate David Horton has also recently taken on a role as co-coordinator and resource development representative.


What’s Next?

In the next few months, we will begin hosting Opportunity Classes at the Achievement Academy, a non-profit organization that provides educational resources to young adults. This will be the first youth-oriented financial literacy class conducted by CEF. We are also hoping to host small business classes in the spring, given the significant demand for these classes from folks in Durham. In light of these forthcoming developments, we are planning further outreach on Duke’s campus to recruit volunteers, including a screening of CEF’s documentary and a panel discussion.

The process of initiating the Durham branch over the past year has been greatly rewarding, and could not have been achieved without the strong support of our beloved community partners. As we continue to grow and expand, we are looking forward to building fruitful relationships and continuing CEF’s work in Durham. If you are interested in getting involved, feel free to contact us at


CEF: Community Empowerment Fund

Chapel Hill: 919-200-0233 Durham: 919-797-9233
