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CEF on the Radio

So we’re a bit behind the times on this one, but WCHL Radio did a Profile on CEF back in February! It’s amazing to see how much our program has changed in the last 6 months, transitioning from a focus on micro-loans to our emphasis on asset building and small-business trainings.


CEF's First Safe Savings Program Starts!

We are now seven weeks in to the first ever CEF Safe Savings Program and are thrilled by the results.

We are working with a group of incredibly talented women to build their savings accounts up while they strive towards greater assets, stronger careers, and healthy transitions. Participants are saving towards investments such as a new apartment, a car, a computer, and CNA training, and some are just saving to save.

Our first week together was in July, and since then we have met weekly to set goals and work to reach them. Our savings circles curriculum has covered topics including budgeting, resume-building, interview skills, networking, job search, basic banking, responsible checking, and credit reports.

Over the remaining weeks of the training program, we will discuss healthy eating, smart shopping, housing resources, educational pathways, insurance options, and more. This pilot savings circle has been largely defined by the women who have gotten involved and started saving with CEF, and who have invested their knowledge and experience in creating a training program that will benefit future CEF Savers. We could not be more thankful for their participation.

We invite you to save with us! Email or call us to join the next CEF Savings Circle–in Chapel Hill or in Durham.

We also invite anyone from the community to come and participate in one of our weekly Savings Circle meetings to see just what it’s all about. Your presence will support CEF Savers as they continue to work hard to find employment, plan for the future, and create a stronger and more vital community.


Summer 2010 Internship Opportunity in Local Microfinance!

Hear more about it! Come to the Duke Microfinance Leadership Initiative meeting on Wednesday, April 14th at 7:30pm in Room

The Community Empowerment Fund (CEF) is a local microfinance initiative based in Chapel Hill, NC that offers small loans, savings opportunities, financial education, and assertive support to individuals experiencing or at-risk of experiencing homelessness. The opportunities for employment, self-employment, and greater housing that CEF advances motivate participants to build personal assets, gain higher income, and engage in a healthy community.

CEF is currently seeking individuals interested in being a part of the program’s pilot launch of a micro-loan program in Durham during the summer of 2010.

For interested students, we are willing to facilitate part-time, unpaid internships, with weekly commitments between 4 and 20 hours.

Student interns will have the opportunity to:

  • —Deepen knowledge of public policy, economics, business, sociology, social work, and community development
  • —Research the applicability of microfinance to the specific needs of the Durham community
  • —Build mentoring relationships with program participants
  • —Learn alongside community partners and program participants, on topics ranging from criminal justice to affordable housing to asset inequality
  • —Develop skills in nonprofit management
  • —Gain first-hand experience in banking, lending, and savings management
  • —Extend opportunities to individuals traditionally marginalized from financial services

Internship responsibilities will include:

  • —Attending a training session, during which CEF staff will train you sufficiently to equip you with the skills you will need to fulfill the internship responsibilities
  • —Facilitating CEF Small Business Trainings in area shelters and low-income housing
  • —Working one-on-one with CEF borrowers and savers
  • —Building partnerships with community agencies and supportive services
  • —Assisting borrowers and savers in budgeting, resume-building, job-searching, goal-setting, and accessing services
  • —Consulting with participants in CEF business trainings to provide follow-up support

For more information, with questions, or to apply, join CEF staff at the DMLI meeting on Wed. April 14th at 7:30pm in Room

Contact us!


Fundraising Event: Homeless Near and Far

Hosted By

Friday, April 23rd 5pm-8pm
James Wallace Plaza
(on top of the Rosemary Street Parking Deck) Chapel Hill, NC

Homeless Near and Far is the first of an annual free festival to help end homelessness in Orange County. The festival will take place on Friday April 23rd, from 5pm-8pm at the James Wallace Plaza on top of the Rosemary Parking Deck, and will feature local musicians from the homeless community, area bands, keynote speakers, a drum circle intermission and more. The festival is free of charge, though donations taken at the event will go directly toward the Community Empowerment Fund, a UNC Campus Y microfinance initiative offering small loans, savings opportunities, financial services and assertive support to individuals who are either homeless or at-risk of experiencing homelessness. (

After the celebrations subside, HNAF will host a dance party to raise funds for the rebuilding of the New Victorian School in Haiti.

If you would like more information or to volunteer, send an email to

(Volunteers get free tshirts and food, making the experience wearable and delicious!)


Stewards Fund $5,000 Matching Challenge

From now until June 1st, every dollar given to CEF will be matched by the Steward Fund up to $5,000.

So if we receive $5,000 in donations, the Steward Fund will match that amount with another $5,000, totaling $10,000!

Please, if you have the time, consider donating to the Community Empowerment Fund and supporting our efforts to address the needs of individuals that are homeless and at-risk in the Triangle area.

Double Your Dollars:
All gifts will be matched through June 1st up to $5,000

Donations Are Safe and Secure.


New Loan Officer Training 2/06

The Spring Loan Officer Certification and Orientation (LOCO) program will be held on Saturday, February 6th in UNC’s Murphey Hall Rm. 302.

The training will last from 12pm-4pm, including a short break in the middle.
During the certification program, we will cover:


  • —What is microfinance? In theory and in practice?
  • —The similarities and differences between international and domestic microfinance
  • —How is CEF different?


    —Basic Operations of the Loan Program
    —Basic Operations of the Savings Programs


    —Basic social work practice
    —Basic accounting (CEF style)
    —Outreach techniques
    —Problems that you may encounter


    —Application process
    —Loan Officer Protocol (i.e. Transportation, Confidentiality and Safety)
    —Forms and Filing

Training will incorporate case studies of CEF borrowers and past Loan Officer experiences, with scenarios structured to help you best prepare for the uniquely challenging opportunities ahead of you!

Please RSVP to Maggie at


Spring Interest Meeting: Mon, 1/18

Join the Community Empowerment Fund!
Interest Meeting Monday, January 18th at 6:00pm in the Campus Y

The Community Empowerment Fund (CEF) is a local, student-run microfinance initiative that offers small loans, savings opportunities, financial education and assertive support to individuals experiencing or at-risk of experiencing homelessness in Orange County.

Be a CEF Loan Officer, or join one of our active committees: Outreach, Resource Development, Fundraising, and Education.

Join this semester to:

* create and launch two new programs: Safe Savings and Micro-Development Accounts
* be a CEF Loan Officer and build mentoring relationships with program participants
* increase outreach within immigrant communities
* plan for the pilot launch of CEF-Durham
* gain first-hand experience in banking, lending, and savings management
* empower men, women, and youth in our community to actualize their desired quality of life

New members are always welcome! We especially hope to see you at our first meeting of the spring semester, to be held on Monday, January 18 at 6:00pm in the Campus Y. Please email us at with questions or for more information!


Summer 2010 CEF Internship Opportunity

Summer 2010 Internship Opportunity in Local Microfinance:

Applications due January 14

The Community Empowerment Fund (CEF) is a local microfinance initiative based in Chapel Hill, NC that offers small loans, savings opportunities, financial education, and assertive support to individuals experiencing or at-risk of experiencing homelessness. The opportunities for employment, self-employment, and greater housing that CEF advances motivate participants to build personal assets, gain higher income, and engage in a healthy community.

CEF is currently seeking Duke students interested in being a part of the program’s pilot launch of a micro-loan program in Durham during the summer of 2010.

Student interns will have the opportunity to:

  • —Deepen knowledge of public policy, economics, business, sociology, social work, and community development
  • —Research the applicability of microfinance to the specific needs of the Durham community
  • —Build mentoring relationships with program participants
  • —Learn alongside community partners and program participants, on topics ranging from criminal justice to affordable housing to asset inequality
  • —Develop skills in nonprofit management
  • —Gain first-hand experience in banking, lending, and savings management
  • —Extend opportunities to individuals traditionally marginalized from financial services

To apply:

– Contact or call (919) 270-5730 for details.

– Visit the DukeEngage website for an application.

– Funding applications due by midnight on January 14th.

For more information on the Community Empowerment Fund and our programs, please visit our website at

Contact with questions or for more information.


Interest Meetings, LOCO, and Leadershp Opportunities

Just a couple of quick reminders:

1. Interest Meetings – We have our second round of interest meetings tonight (Wednesday) at 6pm in the Business School, Room 3000 and Thursday at 6pm in the Campus Y. If you missed the first one, then these meetings would be a great time to hear about all the different ways to get involved with CEF this year.

2. Loan Officer Certification and Orientation (LOCO) #1 – The first session of the Loan Officer Certification Program is THIS SUNDAY from 1pm-3pm in Dey Room 305! If you are interested in being a loan officer, this certification is required.

**Snacks provided!

**LOCO is not just for loan officers! All volunteers are strongly encouraged to attend. This Sunday’s session will cover:
1. What is microfinance?
2. The similarities and differences between international and domestic microfinance
3. Definition of CEF’s target populations
4. The role of the Loan Officer

3. Leadership Positions Available – Interested in getting really super involved in CEF? Apply for a leadership position! We are currently accepting applications for the following roles:
1. Fundraising Committee Chair
2. Outreach Committee Chair
3. Public Relations Coordinator
4. Secretary
— Please just send in a couple paragraphs detailing why you are interested in the position and what your goals would be in that position. You may also include a resume, or something similar to a resume, simply detailing relevant experiences.
— If you have questions about the duties and responsibilities of these roles, please email us at

4. Regular CEF Meeting – Our weekly meeting will continue to be held every Sunday at 6pm in the Campus Y.

Thanks everyone, if you have any questions about anything at all, please feel free to email us at Hope you’re all well and to see you soon.

Happy Thursday,

The CEF Team

CEF: Community Empowerment Fund