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CEF Staff Highlight: Sophia Thayer

Meet Sophia! Member Services Coordinator

Sophia Thayer, Member Services Coordinator (Durham)

Your Role: In your own words, how would you describe the work you do at the CEF and why is it important?

As the Member Services Coordinator for the Durham office, I work alongside Members and external community partners and service providers, as well as Advocates and staff, to research, develop, and implement relevant resources for Members. Most of the resources center on access to housing, and other crucial elements folks need to thrive. I also help lead New Member Orientation and our food pantry.

Your Background: What experiences, strengths, and skills do you bring to this work at CEF?

My background is in case management, resource navigation, youth development, and food justice. Beyond this background, I try to be as authentic as possible and meet people where they’re coming from. I strive to always be learning and challenge myself to consistently check how my biases affect my perception of experiences and events. Overall, I believe I am an approachable and personable individual hoping to form long term relationships.

Connecting to CEF: What led you to working with CEF generally, and also to this particular role?

CEF’s commitment to justice and equity is what initially drew me to the organization. CEF’s belief that everyone is creative, resourceful, and whole resonates with me and is the basis of the Member-driven work we all do together. In my role as MSC, I attempt to provide a starting point for Members and Advocates to connect. Witnessing and taking part in human connection is a joy that CEF provides and values.

Energy: When you think about your work in this role at CEF (and/or in general at CEF) where do you find energy and renewal?

At CEF, I find energy in relationships – deep conversations about experiences and stressors, celebrations when someone reaches their goal, and connections over a shared favorite. Outside of CEF, I find energy in very similar ways by spending time with loved ones.

Challenge: When you think about your work in this role at CEF (and/or in general at CEF)  where do you find challenges and how do you seek to find the best way forward?

CEF and our Members, Advocates, and staff still live and function within systems that are set up for some people to fail and some to thrive. Systemic racism and capitalism are massive opponents. Sometimes, no matter how much work we put in, we cannot solve a problem. I think the way we move forward is first recognizing that the CEF model of long-term community is radical in itself. Secondly, we can utilize this community power to break down systemic barriers as best we can.


2022-2025 Strategic Plan

CEF Strategic Framework. Big Orange Circle with the words Building Joyful Community underneath. Inside the circle is a yellow triangle with the words Strong & Adaptable Organization underneath and three intertwining circles - two are the same size and one, on top, is slightly larger. The two that are the same size are navy and teal. The navy circles has the words Growing Through Partnerships next to it and the teal circles has the words Impactful Organizing & Advocacy. The larger circle is bright blue and says Responsive Member Services inside.

In partnership with consultants Jaclyn Gilstrap and Hope Tyson from A Visual Approach, CEF’s strategic plan is presented using an adaptation of an “Objectives and Key Results (OKR) Framework.” 

At the highest level of the strategic plan, the Big Goal and Key Contribution articulates CEF’s vision of community and its mission. These components are the guiding light of the strategic plan and connect the various areas of CEF’s work to the organization’s mission and its greater purpose in the community. In addition to the Big Goal (CEF’s Vision Statement), the survey data showed that Staff, Members, Volunteers, Board, and Community Leaders across the board saw an essential part of CEF’s efforts to be centered around Building Joyful Community. It was mentioned so often that it has risen to the level of the Big Goal. It is a complement to and expansion of the Big Goal, a doubling down and a re-commitment to this essential component of the organization’s character and culture.

  • Big Goal: Ending the Racial Wealth Gap, Empowering Community
  • Key Contribution (CEF’s Mission): Cultivate opportunities, assets, and communities that support the alleviation of homelessness and poverty

In order to achieve the Key Contribution, CEF believes that it must work towards all of the Objectives outlined in the strategic plan. The Objectives are significant and concrete, and there is a word attached to each that explains not only what the goal is but how it should be achieved (responsive, strong, adaptable, impactful, growth). As a whole, the Objectives make up the key areas of CEF’s work. The relationship between them is illustrated by the visual framework (FIG 1).

As we move forward in the direction of 2025, our organization is sure to experience many shifts and changes. This document is meant to help us navigate those changes, assisting us during times when decision-making feels hard and priorities are overwhelming. We thank each and every voice that contributed to this collective vision for CEF.


CEF Staff Highlight: Sydney Pender

Meet Sydney! Durham Office & Community Organizer

Sydney Pender, Durham Office & Community Organizer

Your Role: In your own words, how would you describe the work you do at CEF and why is it important? 

As Office & Community Organizer in Durham, my role is largely providing stability to the office to
ensure everything runs smoothly on a day-to-day basis. Another large responsibility is
the community advocacy portion, which provides CEF Members with opportunities to lead
initiatives surrounding the issues most important to them such as affordable housing, fair
consideration for employment, and building multigenerational wealth.

Your Background: What experiences, strengths, and skills do you bring to work at CEF?

I am a young, Black woman trying to make it in this world and I have a testimony in some ways
very similar to the Members we serve at CEF. Being in my position, serving folks that look like me
and have some of my same struggles, is a very humbling experience that brings both joy and
sorrow. There is power in representation and relatability, that strengthens my ability to reach
more than a person’s individual mind, but more importantly their hearts. The work I strive to do is
done very personally and with great intention.

Connecting to CEF: What led you to work with CEF generally, and also in this particular role?

More generally, I began volunteering with CEF in search of a community. I moved to Chapel Hill
mid-pandemic at the beginning of adulthood as a college student and knew absolutely nobody. I
wanted to be in community with other changemakers like myself and CEF allowed me to build a
home away from home. In the last two years, I have held the positions of Advocate, full-time
summer intern, part-time staff support, and now full-time office & community organizer. The
various positions I have held at CEF give me the ability to view our functions and operations from
many viewpoints, and deepen my understanding of who we are and what we do.

Energy: Where do you find energy and renewal?

I find energy and renewal by having meaningful conversations with other people about the work I
do. I like to talk to people and have heart-to-heart conversations about larger systematic issues
that show up every day in the world around us. I find joy in “stirring the pot” and talking about the
things that matter but are sometimes considered taboo. I would probably describe my personality
as an armchair philosopher.

Challenge: What are the biggest challenges in your work and how do you seek to find the best way forward?

One of the biggest challenges I face in the work I do is seeing the influx of people in need and the
lack of resources in the community to support them. There is an overwhelming amount of folks
that are not having their basic needs met. It is not easy to ignore or justify because it exists right
in front of us, every day. My commitment to the work I do is to at least make a dent in the pool of
injustice and continue to advocate for change that will impact those who need it most. Housing is
a human right.

Anything Else You Would Like To Add:

Never give up on yourself and pay close attention to the world around you. People may have
their doubts and opinions, but the truth can not be silenced… YOU MATTER!


CEF Staff Highlight: Hannah Lyles

Meet Hannah! Staff Support

Hannah Lyles, Staff Support

Your Role: In your own words, how would you describe the work you do at CEF and why is it important? 

As full time Staff Support at CEF, I work with Members, Advocates, and other CEF staff to respond to Member’s needs in real time. During Member meetings, I am in the office and available to answer any questions or provide additional support that may be needed. Being a flexible member of staff who works in both the Durham and Chapel Hill offices is important in order to ensure that Members and Advocates are getting the support they need in order to achieve the goals that Members have identified for themselves.

Your Background: What experiences, strengths, and skills do you bring to work at CEF?

I have been a part of and worked in the substance use and recovery community for over five years. My background working with individuals experiencing situations that are complex and mutli-faceted has given me skills that allow me to engage with CEF in similar ways. My passion for this work stems from my personal life experiences as well as my background working with communities who are systematically denied access to knowledge and resources that can help them achieve their goals.

Connecting to CEF: What led you to work with CEF generally, and also in this particular role?

I have a passion for people. One of my greatest joys in life is connecting with others. I believe that, at the core of each of us, we are seeking connection with ourselves, others, and the world around us. CEF is a place where folks can find connection in many different ways. What I love seeing is so many individuals from different backgrounds, each with their own unique lived experiences, finding ways to connect and support each other. While a lot of the work CEF does is challenging and can be heavy to carry, witnessing true human connection on a consistent basis is, I think, what makes CEF so successful in their work.

Energy: Where do you find energy and renewal?

Within CEF, I find energy and renewal by witnessing the connections that are made between Members, Advocates, and staff. CEF’s work is based on relationships and seeing those relationships develop and grow brings me a lot of joy. Witnessing injustice and oppression in such an intimate way on a daily basis can be trying, but knowing that folks who engage with CEF have a place where they can feel heard and their experiences are validated helps to renew my passion for this work.

Challenge: What are the biggest challenges in your work and how do you seek to find the best way forward?

I think one of the biggest challenges for me at CEF is witnessing the injustice and oppression that Members are experiencing. At CEF, we trust that Members are fully capable of making their own decisions about what is best for themselves and their own lives. When thinking about the situations that Members face, I believe that the best way forward is to listen to Members, hear what their needs are, and work alongside them to find solutions that feel like the right way for them.

Anything Else You Would Like To Add:

I am very grateful for the opportunity to work at CEF and to be a part of an organization that is intentional about the services they provide and the relationships they build in the community. I am looking forward to my journey with CEF and seeing how my skills and my personal experiences can inform that.


CEF Staff Highlight: Jessica Cannady

Meet Jessica! Member Services & Programs Manager

Jessica Cannady, Member Services & Programs Manager

Your Role: In your own words, how would you describe the work you do at CEF and why is it important? 

I am the Members Services and Programs Manager for both the Chapel Hill and Durham Offices. In my role, I support program staff, guide program strategy, and manage reporting for Member services and Advocate programs. Overall, I support and work collaboratively with staff, Advocates, and Members to promote learning and growth.

Your Background: What experiences, strengths, and skills do you bring to work at CEF?

Prior to joining CEF, I was a coordinator and advocate with a domestic violence agency. In that role, I worked in crisis and self-sufficiency services, outreach and to increase awareness and advocacy for healthy relationships. I also focused on developing and promoting culturally affirming best practices when working with Black and Brown survivors of domestic violence. In addition to advocacy and crisis services experience, I also have experience in community-based participatory research specifically focusing on access to healthy food, affordable housing, mental health care, and quality education. One of my strengths is my ability to build and maintain relationships and work collaboratively with diverse community stakeholders. I am interested in co-creating thriving communities so that we aren’t just surviving or putting a bandaid on the issues we face.

Connecting to CEF: What led you to work with CEF generally, and also in this particular role?

CEF’s leadership,  commitment to community, racial equity, and economic justice focus were driving forces that led me to work with CEF. CEF’s focus on relationship building and providing services no matter where Members are on their financial or life journey was also appealing.  While crisis services are important, we also have to work collaboratively as a community to think about services that foster long-term sustainability.

Energy: Where do you find energy and renewal?

I find energy in knowing that we are working together to build and maintain thriving communities. I also find energy and renewal by growing and maintaining authentic and genuine relationships with community members.

Challenge: What are the biggest challenges in your work and how do you seek to find the best way forward?

One major challenge that we face as a community is all of the isms. Racism, sexism, ableism, ageism, colorism, classism, and other forms of discrimination are still very much alive and well. We can’t ignore discrimination and oppression and the sinister ways that it shows up in everyday life. The legacy of white supremacy in nonprofit organizations is also a challenge that we actively work to dissolve. Another challenge is the rising costs of living and the impact on folks’ everyday lives and experiences. 

The best way forward is to acknowledge these challenges and how they show up in systems and our lives. Once we acknowledge these challenges we must also work to take action each and every day.

Anything Else You Would Like To Add:

I’m really excited and grateful to be a part of the CEF team. I look forward to our collaboration and radical work.


CEF Staff Highlight: Emily Simpson-Keyes

Meet Emily! Member Assistance Funds Manager

Emily Simpson-Keyes, Member Assistance Funds Manager

Your Role: In your own words, how would you describe the work you do at the CEF and why is it important? 

While providing direct financial assistance is not CEF’s primary mission, we do have a pool of resources dedicated to supporting Members as they work towards their goals. This pool is growing to include a homebuyers savings program and eviction debt assistance fund. As the Member Assistance Funds Manager, I will be responsible for developing an equitable and transparent process for distributing these funds as well as working with Members and Advocates to ensure that they know these resources are available. 

Your Background: What experiences, strengths and skills do you bring to this work at CEF?

As a social worker, I have been trained to approach my work through a lens of systems thinking, and I feel I naturally bring a level of empathy and vulnerability to this role. However, I am most grateful for my previous experience as an Advocate. The role required me to “take off my professional hat,” decenter myself, and learn from the wisdom and experience of Members. I plan to approach my Staff role in much the same way. I’m excited to continue building on the relationships that I established as an Advocate!

Connecting to CEF: What led you to working with CEF generally, and also to this particular role?

I’ve spent the past several years working in social impact consulting and nonprofit operations. While I enjoyed the complex problem solving that came with those roles, I found myself questioning my complicity in philanthrocapitalism and craving community. This is what first led me to begin volunteering as an Advocate in the fall of 2020. It was the height of the pandemic, and though I was grateful for the security of a remote job, I was disconnected from my neighbors and feeling too comfortable. When so much of the world is broken, community care built on authentic person-centered relationships in the way CEF strives for is radical. I’ve wanted to join the CEF team for quite some time and the Member Assistance Funds Manager role, which requires both my operational and interpersonal skill sets, was worth the wait. 

Energy: When you think about your work in this role at CEF (and/or in general at CEF) where do you find energy and renewal?

I’ve always felt a deep responsibility to use my one wild and precious life to repair harm and further social justice so I find a great deal of purpose and energy in the work itself. It’s a privilege to be trusted by Members and to share in the moments of pain, frustration, hope, and joy experienced in the office. I also rely on the support of my loving partner, trusted therapist, and snuggly dog.

Challenge: When you think about your work in this role at CEF (and/or in general at CEF)  where do you find challenges and how do you seek to find the best way forward?

While financial literacy and asset-building tools are most certainly impactful and necessary for changing individual circumstances, the racial wealth gap is a systemic issue, rather than an individual one. These tools are a part of a broader economic system designed to systematically disenfranchise people of the global majority. This reality can be overwhelming but I think it’s one we must acknowledge in this work. I remind myself that there are opportunities to share power and disrupt oppressive systems at every level, so how we are engaging with Members and moving as an organization is just as important as the number of goals achieved or financial coaching sessions completed. 


CEF Staff Highlight: Ishaan

Meet Ishaan! Member Resource Specialist in Chapel Hill

Ishaan Kumar, Member Resource Specialist
CEF’s Chapel Hill Office

Your Role: In your own words, how would you describe the work you do at CEF and why is it important?

I am the Member Resource Specialist for the Chapel Hill Office. The bulk of my work is focused on identifying and building out resources for the community to expand the way that CEF can support Members. My long-term project is focused on a Homebuyers Program, where we are trying to work with other local housing organizations to expand access to home ownership!

Your Background: What experiences, strengths, and skills do you bring to this work at CEF?

I worked as an Advocate for multiple years in the Durham office, so that introduced me to CEF’s work. I think in particular, I learnt to slow down and hold space for Members, peers, and myself. This is a skill I hope to continue to develop through the next few years. In addition, I think that I can be extremely reliable, and hope to bring this constancy to my work at CEF.

Connecting to CEF: What led you to working with CEF generally, and also to this particular role?

In particular, CEF’s model of Member-centered advocacy really spoke to me. In some other spaces, it was unclear to me if what we were doing was really in the interest of the people we were working for. I believe wholeheartedly in the power and necessity of social work to reflect the needs of Members and for everyone to be engaged in collaborative decision-making.

Energy: When you think about your work in this role at CEF (and/or in general at CEF) where do you find energy and renewal?

Primarily, I find energy in people; my partner, my family, and my roommate are all places to go to recharge. When I’m alone, I often find myself tinkering in the kitchen, trying to remake childhood memories into new creations.

Challenge: When you think about your work in this role at CEF (and/or in general at CEF)  where do you find challenges and how do you seek to find the best way forward?

Many challenges are unknown right now, as this is a new position to CEF! In addition, being a recent college grad means that I’m looking forward to challenges I can’t even begin to imagine. I hope to approach all these future challenges with an empathetic and critical eye. I hope to approach these problems through creative collaborations and new solutions. Everyone has creativity and capacity – I hope to tap into our collective power!


CEF Staff Highlight: Jada

Meet Jada! Advocate Program Coordinator at CEF’s Durham Office

Jada McLeod, Advocate Program Coordinator
CEF’s Durham Office

Your Role: In your own words, how would you describe the work you do at the CEF and why is it important?

I am the Advocate Program Coordinator for the Durham Office. My role revolves around Advocate recruitment, selection, training, and support. Advocates are essential to the work we do at CEF given that they handle much of the day-to-day work of supporting members in reaching their goals. Our cohort of Advocates must be committed to learning and growth and well equipped to work with members in order to serve the community well.

Your Background: What experiences, strengths, and skills do you bring to this work at CEF?

I was an Advocate at the Chapel Hill office for a few years before joining the Durham office staff, so I know what it’s like to be in their shoes. I can easily empathize with Advocates’ experiences which makes me well suited to support people in navigating this role. Another major strength of mine is my curiosity. I am eager to learn about other people’s experiences, identities, and approaches to how they show up in this space. I’m committed to breaking down my own biases and harmful ways of thinking. I’m always looking for ways to expand my understanding of the world around me.

Connecting to CEF: What led you to working with CEF generally, and also to this particular role?

CEF’s focus on relationship-building is what initially attracted me to the organization. I’ve worked with several nonprofits and CEF is so unique in its emphasis on authentically building supportive communities. It was important to me to continue being a part of that. Being an Advocate at CEF was such a transformative experience for me. As an Advocate, I went through so much learning and growth that significantly shaped my worldview, especially concerning racial equity and other social justice issues. I am excited to help guide other people through that process in my new role.

Energy: When you think about your work in this role at CEF (and/or in general at CEF) where do you find energy and renewal?

I find energy by remembering to make room for joy and excitement in my work. Doing direct service with people who are experiencing the violence of systemic oppression can quickly become a heavy burden to bear. My passion for this work is renewed when I expand my perspective and hold space to celebrate everyday victories. Whether it’s a member finding housing, getting a new job, or just feeling extra supported by Advocates and staff, those moments keep me grounded and give me a renewed sense of purpose. I love all the light-hearted moments that happen in the office where we get to laugh and joke with one another. These moments remind me that although our work can be challenging, it doesn’t always have to be oriented around struggle and suffering.

Challenge: When you think about your work in this role at CEF (and/or in general at CEF)  where do you find challenges and how do you seek to find the best way forward?

I think the biggest challenge is coming to terms with the realization that regardless of how supportive of a space we try to create for Members, once they walk out the door they’re still dealing with systemic racism and other forms of trauma, oppression, and violence. It’s tough knowing that there are some barriers that we just can’t solve. I think this challenge is further escalated when you consider the sense of urgency that we experience as many Members come to us in crises. To move forward, I’ve had to learn that the work we do is about so much more than the tangible steps we take toward supporting Members in reaching their goals. There is real power in making someone feel heard and validated in their experience. We can’t solve every problem, but at the very least, we can show people that they have a community that loves and supports them in their corner. Having a supportive community that sticks with you long-term makes all the difference in someone feeling empowered to move forward and keep fighting for their needs despite the barriers they face.


2021 Annual Report: Hope Abounds

Hope Abounds: CEF Annual Report 2021

2021 was another difficult year. With the ups and downs of feeling like life was getting closer to pre-pandemic times and then going back into lockdowns and separation, CEF offered stability and companionship to Members. We stayed committed to remaining open, enforcing a vaccination or testing mandate for all staff and volunteers and continuing with COVID safety protocols to ensure that Members, staff, and Advocates could continue to meet safely. 

In this report you will learn more about CEF’s activities throughout 2021 — including information about our support of the Emergency Rental Assistance Program, the creation of the House Us Now coalition, and the joy experienced through the Share the Love: Art Show. In addition, you will hear stories from Members and Advocates–uplifting the hope they experienced as they worked alongside CEF to ensure that everyone in our community has access to safe, affordable housing and the opportunity for financial freedom.

As you read through this report I hope you will feel that hope too, that you can see the potential hiding just below the surface. Thank you for being a part of this incredible community and for continuing to offer support as we learn to adapt to a new reality. We are so grateful for each and every contribution. Thank you for supporting this work!


CEF Staff Highlight: Joe

CEF would like to formally introduce Joe Katusich, CEF’s new Member Services and Programs Manager!

Joe comes to CEF with a deep background in program management and experience in the nonprofit sector. We are very excited to have Joe on the team and excited for you to get to know him a bit better.

Read the interview below to learn more about Joe’s role and philosophy.

Joe Katusich, Member Services and Programs Manger

Describe the work you hope to accomplish in your role at CEF.

As the Member Services and Programs Manager, I hope to help foster a work environment that promotes our guiding principles and that reaches above and beyond in an effort to elevate the impact of the services the incredible CEF team provides for its members. I hope to contribute to maintaining trauma-informed, healing-centered, relationship-based, and racially equitable practices in all of CEF’s programs, and I hope to facilitate the growth of our reach to Members and Advocates in the Durham and Chapel Hill communities. I will aim to accomplish all of these things with a strong sense of purpose and pride as we usher in the next chapter for CEF.

What experiences, strengths, and skills do you bring to this work at CEF?

I have a deep-rooted passion for serving my community. It all started when I joined the Key Club in high school where we raised money to put together events designed to support families and individuals within our community that were experiencing homelessness, financial insecurity, food insecurity, etc. I have held jobs in just about every industry you can imagine: education, sales, software development, customer service, and the food industry. After graduating from the University of Massachusetts with a degree in Psychology, I served 2 years in AmeriCorps as a Tutor, Mentor, and Role Model in Boston Public Schools with City Year Boston. That experience solidified my passion for social justice and civic engagement work, carrying me to a career working with nonprofits. In Boston, I spent time developing programming and building a volunteer network for the Martin Richard Foundation and continued my work in education as a Program Manager with Playworks New England. My life experiences have lent themselves to a successful and fulfilling career thus far, and I’m just getting started.

What led you to work with CEF generally, and also to this particular role?

I have found great purpose and pride in the contributions I’ve been a part of during my nonprofit career. When I lost my jobs in Boston due to COVID, I felt a little lost and decided to pack up my car and find a new community to serve that I had never been to before. After driving around the country for the better part of a year, I landed in Durham with the intention to find a way to continue working within my passion of building beloved communities where all can prosper. The Member Services and Programs Manager role felt like a perfect fit where I would be able to apply my talents for project management and relationship building to an opportunity where my knowledge for community assistance programs can grow and thrive.

Where do you find energy and renewal?

I have always found that as long as I am passionate about the work I am doing and can continue to find purpose while doing it, my energy to continue the work is endless. I am and will remain passionate about contributing to real, positive change in my community, and that will allow me to find energy in this role. Outside of my work, spending time exploring the great outdoors or with good people and good food always grounds me and renews my energy.

What challenges do you anticipate in your role at CEF and how will you seek your best path forward to overcome those challenges?

I anticipate there will be many challenges that I have not faced thus far in my career. However, I will attend to them as I have attended to all other challenges I’ve had to navigate. I will approach each challenge with an open heart and an open mind. I will meet others where they are at and seek to understand to the best of my ability. I will make intentional, informed decisions, and consistently seek opportunities to grow both professionally and with my level of content knowledge. I will trust the members of my team and ask for help when appropriate, and do everything in my power to find the best possible solution.

CEF: Community Empowerment Fund

Chapel Hill: 919-200-0233 Durham: 919-797-9233
