Archive | CEF Advocacy Choir

CEF Receives GSK Impact Award!

The Triangle Community Foundation and GSK honored CEF and 9 other amazing Triangle nonprofits at the GSK Impact Awards last week! The CEF Advocacy Choir performed “Smile” to open the ceremonies and CEF Staff Member, Yvette Matthews, received the award on behalf of all of CEF.
The award comes with $40,000 to deepen CEF’s work in Orange and Durham Counties, working together with communities to transform financial and housing opportunities!  CEF was recognized for our innovative work in “making homes and neighborhoods safer, connecting families to support services, and preparing people of all ages for successful careers – all important factors to improve health outcomes in underserved neighborhoods.”

CEF Advocacy Choir – UNC Pit Performance

Vote YES for the Affordable Housing Bond! Thanks to UNC for letting us share the word!

Want to join the choir?   Call Yvette at 919-200-0233 or email us at


CEF Advocacy Choir – Strowd Roses 15th-Anniversary

Vote YES for the Affordable Housing Bond! Thanks to Strowd Roses for letting us share the word!

Want to join the choir?   Call Yvette at 919-200-0233 or email us at


CEF Advocacy Choir’s 1st Performance!


On Sept 15th, at the Justice United Public Assembly at St. Thomas Moore, Yvette Mathews led a choir of 22 Members and Advocates in song, singing soulfully for the cause of affordable housing in Orange County and in support of the 5 million dollar bond that is being voted on in Nov. We hope this is the first of many performances at public meetings and before faith congregations to come in the future! #makeroomorange



CEF: Community Empowerment Fund

Chapel Hill: 919-200-0233 Durham: 919-797-9233
