Thank you for making the first virtual Piggy Bank Bash a success!
Because of your donations, CEF was able to surpass our goal and raise $15,685.76!
With over 85 participants, some joining from as far away as the Virgin Islands, the Bash was a joyous celebration of all the things the CEF Community has accomplished in the past year, and will strive to accomplish in the upcoming year.
The CEF Advocacy Choir encouraged us to not give up despite the hard times we are enduring now and that “we look so much better when we smile.” Robert Watson, CEF Member, shared how comforting it has been working with Advocates through stressful situations. Executive Director, Donna Carrington, reminded us that under her leadership she hopes “CEF remains a place where members feel supported in their dreams and goals, that staff feels supported in wrestling with the values we hold dear, and the wider community sees CEF as a place to come to for information and resources.”
We are grateful for all who participated. It was a night full of stories, laughter, and unity.
And, we appreciate our sponsors for this event:GRUB Durham, The Center for Intentional Leadership, Rob Lammé and Associates, Evoke Studio, Pilot Benefits, and PNC.
It’s not too late to support CEF! Join the 2020 CEF Holiday Campaign!
All donations made before the end of the year will be doubled! You can always donate at communityef.org/donate.
With the appearance of COVID-19, this year has been unprecedented for CEF. Many CEF Members have had to pull money out of their Safe Savings Accounts in order to ensure that they will have financial security during this pandemic and CEF has adapted strict COVID-19 procedures to ensure CEF Members are getting the support they need while being safe.
This year we have a Holiday Campaign goal of $66,500 to continue efforts of cultivating assets and opportunities to support CEF Members! Thanks to a generous group of CEF donors, your gift to CEF will be doubled through Dec 31, 2020 – up to $25,000!
Our work is sustained by the generosity of individuals who believe in our mission, as well as foundations and corporations. We look to those we care about to help us sustain a growing, creative, and supportive community. To be a part of this change, we invite you to share a financial contribution.
All donations make a big impact and are appreciated greatly, please give at whatever amount feels meaningful to you!

We are collecting winter items for the CEF Community!
Inspired by the amazing Coat Drive organized by Lucas Risinger (Orange County Advocate) and Yvette Matthews (Orange County Office & Community Organizer), in partnership with Rumors NC and UNC SFI, CEF is continuing to collect new or gently used winter items for Members!
As it gets colder these items are essential, so please consider bringing in items to either office! Winter items include warm coats, sweaters, shirts, pants, scarves, gloves, etc… Please call the Orange County office at 919. 200. 0233 or the Durham County office at 919. 797. 9233 if you have any questions.
Keep in mind CEF office hours and scheduled winter closures (see below) when preparing to drop off items.
Resources of the Month
Orange County Resources of the Month:
This month, Diiv is highlighting the COVID-19 Move In Packages Program and the COVID-19 Transportation Program. These are programs by the Orange County Department of Housing and Community Development. These funds must be used by December 31st, 2020. The Move In Packages Program is a fund that can be used to buy items or services necessary to a participant’s housing stability since March 1, 2020. Eligible goods include furnishings, bedding, basic small appliances, cleaning supplies, etc… and eligible services include furniture delivery cost, moving truck rental, furniture or personal property storage. The Transportation Program is a fund that can be used for essential transportation cost related to a participant’s housing. Eligible transportation cost include public transportation pass, account credits for ride sharing mobile applications, etc… and eligible services include repairs to a participant’s vehicle and purchase of a bicycle. If you would like more information or need help accessing either of these programs please call CEF’s Orange County Office at 919. 200. 0233.
Durham County Resources of the Month:
This month, Debbie is highlighting the City of Durham – Water Hardship Fund and Fed Up! Political Food Distribution. The Water Hardship Fund by Durham County Department of Social Services exist to help residents pay past-due water bills. Through a simple online application, you can apply for up to $240 in assistance per year if you are having a documented hardship, have past-due bills, or are in danger of having your water cut off. Fed Up! Political Food Distribution by NC Poor People’s Campaign, Carolina Jews for Justice, and Raise Up NC is distributing produce boxes every other Friday in the Parking Lot at Lakewood Shopping Center. They will be there next Friday, 12/04!

Office Availability Updates
When are the offices open?
CEF Durham’s December Office Hours: 10:00 am -12:00 pm & 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm Monday – Thursday; 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm Thursday
CEF Chapel Hill’s December Office Hours: 10:00 am – 3:00 pm Monday – Thursday
Both Durham and Chapel Hill Offices will have winter closures due to volunteer unavailability. The Durham Office will be closed Friday, Dec 18, 2020 – Friday, Jan 8, 2021. The Chapel Hill Office will be closed Wednesday, Dec 16, 2020 – Monday, Jan 11, 2021.
Please be aware that during these closures, there will be limited ways to access mail and complete Safe Savings transactions. If you have any questions about these closures, please check-in with a CEF Staff Member.
Can I still make a virtual appointment?
Yes! CEF Members with the capacity to meet through online video chat software (like Zoom, Skype, or Google Meet) or over the phone will be encouraged to continue with this option. You can specify this option when you call the office to make an appointment.
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