Join the Community Empowerment Fund!
Interest Meeting Monday, January 18th at 6:00pm in the Campus Y
The Community Empowerment Fund (CEF) is a local, student-run microfinance initiative that offers small loans, savings opportunities, financial education and assertive support to individuals experiencing or at-risk of experiencing homelessness in Orange County.
Be a CEF Loan Officer, or join one of our active committees: Outreach, Resource Development, Fundraising, and Education.
Join this semester to:
* create and launch two new programs: Safe Savings and Micro-Development Accounts
* be a CEF Loan Officer and build mentoring relationships with program participants
* increase outreach within immigrant communities
* plan for the pilot launch of CEF-Durham
* gain first-hand experience in banking, lending, and savings management
* empower men, women, and youth in our community to actualize their desired quality of life
New members are always welcome! We especially hope to see you at our first meeting of the spring semester, to be held on Monday, January 18 at 6:00pm in the Campus Y. Please email us at with questions or for more information!
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