CEF Durham Advocate Application: Now Open!

CEF Durham Advocate Application

The Community Empowerment Fund (CEF) is an organization with offices in Chapel Hill and Durham that works to combat the racial wealth gap in these areas. With various programs, including the Safe Savings program (offers Members* the chance to save money in an account at CEF with the opportunity to earn a 15% match) and the Laptop Savings program (allows Members to purchase an affordable desktop or laptop from the Kramden Institute), along with online financial coaching sessions and resources related to housing, CEF strives to equip Members of our community with the tools they may need to achieve financial independence. At the heart of CEF’s work is a housing-first approach*, a commitment to community building, and supporting, not helping, those who seek out our services.

As an Advocate*, you will be working with Members to accomplish their goals in hour-long meetings on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. Meetings can range from discussing housing options locally and applying to jobs, to creating flyers for Members and their business and helping them find childcare for their kids. Advocates are expected to volunteer for 2 hours a week (meaning they will be scheduled for 2 meetings per week) and attend community calls and trainings meant to advance their understanding of issues pertaining to racial equity and the specific needs of Members.

Interested? Fill out our application here: https://forms.gle/euaj6hked59GKUwr9. As always, if you have any questions/concerns, please email the Advocate Program Coordinator at the Durham office, Shuhud Mustafa, at shuhudm@communityempowermentfund.org.

*Member – an individual who becomes a part of CEF through a one-time orientation.
*Advocate – an individual who volunteers at CEF and meets with Members alongside another Advocate.
*Housing-first – an approach that prioritizes finding permanent housing for people experiencing or on the verge of experiencing homelessness.

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CEF: Community Empowerment Fund

Chapel Hill: 919-200-0233 Durham: 919-797-9233
