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Understanding Financial Abuse: A Hidden Crisis

Domestic Violence Awareness Month: Heal, Hold & Center

Abuse can take many forms, and while physical abuse is often recognized due to visible injuries, other types can be less apparent yet just as harmful. One of these is financial abuse, which can have a profound impact on victims. According to the National Hotline for Domestic Violence, financial abuse is rooted in the desire of one partner to have power and control over the other. 

The Overlooked Aspect: Financial Abuse

It’s crucial to recognize that intimate partner violence affects millions of people across the United States. Alarmingly, 27% of contacts with the National Domestic Violence Hotline report experiencing financial abuse in their abusive relationships. Research from the National Network to End Domestic Violence shows that financial abuse occurs in 99% of domestic violence cases and is a significant component affecting nearly all victims. Many survivors stay in or return to abusive relationships due to fears about their financial stability and their ability to care for their children. Financial abuse can impact individuals across all socio-economic, educational, racial, and ethnic groups.

Financial abuse can take various forms, including:

  • Controlling Employment: Preventing a partner from working or attending school, leading to job loss or diminished career prospects.
  • Withholding Earnings: Taking the money earned from work or public assistance and refusing to give access to it.
  • Incurring Debt: Taking loans or credit in a partner’s name without their knowledge, leading to unmanageable debt.
  • Restricting Access: Controlling how money is spent and accessed, making it difficult for the victim to meet basic needs.

Resources Available

At the Community Empowerment Fund (CEF), we offer Safe Savings Accounts with a 20% match opportunity, as well as financial coaching focused on budgeting and credit repair. Our programs can provide survivors with a secure way to save money away from their abusers and help them regain financial independence.

Local Resources:

National Resources:


CEF Safe Savings Accounts: New 20% Savings Match

The Community Empowerment Fund (CEF) is excited to announce that, as part of our organization’s 5-year strategic plan, we now offer 20% matches on savings goals for Members enrolled in our Safe Savings Account Program! CEF’s Safe Savings Account Program helps Members save for personal goals, such as school fees, security deposits, or emergencies.

Poor and working-class individuals who lack access to traditional banks often face exploitation by predatory lenders and unfair banking practices, like payday/pawn shop loans, check cashing services and high-interest credit cards. These alternative banking institutions frequently trap vulnerable community members in a cycle of debt and poverty.

When Members engage with CEF’s Safe Saving Program, they open Individual Development Accounts (IDA), which require no minimum balance, have no fees, and do not impact debt or credit history. No ID or proof of citizenship is necessary to open an account; however, a state-issued ID is required to cash checks. CEF can also write checks directly to vendors if needed.

To receive their 20% match, Members participate in eight 2:1 financial coaching sessions with CEF Advocates. We tailor these coaching classes to Members needs, aiming to boost their confidence in managing finances and ultimately empowering them to achieve financial freedom. Coupling savings goals and financial education with the IDA has proven effective in increasing short-term savings and long-term economic stability for working-class people across the country since the 1990s.

Don’t miss out on this chance to transform your financial future. Sign up today for CEF’s Safe Savings Account Program and start on the path to financial freedom with the support you deserve!


Voices for Change: Donna Carrington Highlights the Impact of Quality-of-Life Laws on Homelessness

CEF Executive Director Donna Carrington commented on the petition regarding the Enforcement of Quality-of-Life Laws in the Community during the Town of Chapel Hill Town Council meeting on Wednesday, September 11, 2024. In reflection, she shared, “It was crucial for me to speak because I understand the implications such petitions have on our community. Our unhoused individuals are often arrested for ‘quality of life violations,’ and it feels like our community is a place wanting to get rid of people instead of being solution-minded.”

Donna expressed concern over the increasing criminalization of homelessness. “I think it’s essential to address this issue openly,” she noted, acknowledging that her discomfort with public speaking only underscores the importance of the topic. “When I speak, I hope people understand the significance of what we’re facing. I knew that if I spoke, people would recognize its importance because I don’t like public speaking, and for me to do it, it has to be an important issue.”


CEF Chapel Hill Volunteer Advocate Deadline Extended!

Exciting news! The deadline to submit the Chapel Hill volunteer Advocate application has been extended to September 5th, 2024 at 5:00 PM. 

As a reminder, CEF is seeking volunteer Advocates who can commit to working with Members and developing lasting relationships – before, during and well beyond their transitions out of housing insecurity. Volunteer Advocates can be anyone: undergraduates, graduate students, faculty, staff and even community members!

Responsibilities include committing to at least 2 office hours per week and utilizing anti-racism tools to advocate for Black and Brown Members in a larger context. A great Advocate is someone who is committed to lifelong learning.Within the application you can find a detailed description of the Advocate role and responsibilities. We are so excited to begin the Fall semester with wonderful new faces joining our community! Apply Today! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdi_pzOyaFi5HQL2ziEYvOkLiRvUMTjghmF2m9PVLi7wXKhHg/viewform


CEF Durham Advocate Application Deadline Extended

We’re excited to announce that the application deadline for the volunteer Advocate program has been extended to September 5th! If you haven’t applied yet, now is the perfect time to do so.

Become an Advocate where you can work alongside CEF Members to support them in reaching their goals around housing and financial stability.

To learn more about the CEF Advocate program and to apply follow this link! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfSrK2yNp2vNHvPjE84NOXeOGToaA0ECeuB2suKc8ftbDaa2g/viewform


CEF Durham Advocate Application: Now Open!

CEF Durham Advocate Application

The Community Empowerment Fund (CEF) is an organization with offices in Chapel Hill and Durham that works to combat the racial wealth gap in these areas. With various programs, including the Safe Savings program (offers Members* the chance to save money in an account at CEF with the opportunity to earn a 15% match) and the Laptop Savings program (allows Members to purchase an affordable desktop or laptop from the Kramden Institute), along with online financial coaching sessions and resources related to housing, CEF strives to equip Members of our community with the tools they may need to achieve financial independence. At the heart of CEF’s work is a housing-first approach*, a commitment to community building, and supporting, not helping, those who seek out our services.

As an Advocate*, you will be working with Members to accomplish their goals in hour-long meetings on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. Meetings can range from discussing housing options locally and applying to jobs, to creating flyers for Members and their business and helping them find childcare for their kids. Advocates are expected to volunteer for 2 hours a week (meaning they will be scheduled for 2 meetings per week) and attend community calls and trainings meant to advance their understanding of issues pertaining to racial equity and the specific needs of Members.

Interested? Fill out our application here: https://forms.gle/euaj6hked59GKUwr9. As always, if you have any questions/concerns, please email the Advocate Program Coordinator at the Durham office, Shuhud Mustafa, at shuhudm@communityempowermentfund.org.

*Member – an individual who becomes a part of CEF through a one-time orientation.
*Advocate – an individual who volunteers at CEF and meets with Members alongside another Advocate.
*Housing-first – an approach that prioritizes finding permanent housing for people experiencing or on the verge of experiencing homelessness.


CEF Volunteer Advocate Application Open Now!

CEF is seeking volunteer Advocates who can commit to working with Members over the long haul – before, during and well beyond their transitions out of housing insecurity. Volunteer Advocates can be anyone– undergraduates, graduate students, faculty, staff and even community members! Responsibilities include committing to weekly meetings for two or more years and utilizing antiracism tools to advocate for Black and Brown Members in a larger context. A great Advocate is someone who is committed to lifelong learning.

Read more about the opportunity and apply here! Applications will be due September 1st, 2024 at 5:00 PM!

The deadline to submit the application is September 1st, 2024 at 5:00 PM. More information regarding the internship can be found within the application via a linked job description. Any further questions or concerns can be directed to chloew@communityef.org.


CEF Chapel Hill Advocate Application Opening August 1st!

Hey community! Chloe, our Chapel Hill Advocate Program Coordinator, wanted to let everyone know that the Advocate application for our Fall 2024 recruitment cycle will be officially opening on August 1st!

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer Advocate, complete the interest form and Chloe will share the application with you personally.

CEF is seeking volunteer Advocates who can commit to working with Members over the long haul – before, during and well beyond their transitions out of housing insecurity.

Volunteer Advocates can be anyone: undergraduates, graduate students, faculty, staff and even community members! Responsibilities include committing to weekly meetings for two or more years and utilizing anti-racism tools to advocate for Black and Brown Members in a larger context.

A great Advocate is someone who is committed to lifelong learning! If you would like more information about what the role entails, feel free to contact Chloe at chloew@communityef.org. We are already looking forward to welcoming new faces this fall!!


CEF Staff Highlight: Chloe Wells

Meet Chloe Wells, Advocate Program Coordinator (CH)

Chloe Wells, Advocate Program Coordinator (CH)

Your Role: In your own words, how would you describe the work you do at the CEF and why is it important?

At CEF, I hold the role of the ‘Advocate Program Coordinator’ (APC). This title generously encapsulates my responsibilities of coordinating, supervising, and providing support to our volunteer Advocates in their impactful endeavors.

Your Background: What experiences, strengths, and skills do you bring to this work at CEF?

I bring a wealth of experiences to my role, ranging from my time as a ‘front office lady’ at a high school to my roles as a Teacher’s Assistant, Peer DEI Educator, Resident Advisor, and Co-Editor in Chief of an undergraduate literary magazine. I have acquired valuable skills and strengths through these diverse experiences, shaping my unique perspective and approach.

Connecting to CEF: What led you to working with CEF generally, and also to this particular role?

As a member of the undergraduate class of 2020, the Pandemic tossed aside my plans, along with those of many peers, for post-graduate-real-adult life. Nevertheless, I firmly believe that everything happens for a reason, and I strive to embrace the notion that I am where I am meant to be at any given moment. Upon deciding to leave my previous role and relocate to the area with my partner, currently enrolled as a Graduate Student at UNC Chapel Hill, I was determined to find a path that allowed me to make a tangible impact on my community. Drawing from my academic passions as a student, I sought to apply them in a real-world setting. My aspiration was to join an organization that fostered creativity, embraced my love for learning, and promoted genuine relationship building, community engagement, and anti-racism at every level. I believe I have found the perfect fit!

Energy: When you think about your work in this role at CEF (and/or in general at CEF) where do you find energy and renewal?

When I reflect on my work in this role at CEF, I draw energy and renewal from our person-centered approach. Our primary focus is on the individual, regardless of who they are or what they bring to the table. This person-centered ethos resonates deeply with me, especially in my interactions with Members and Advocates. I derive immense joy from connecting with our Advocate community, where we have a supportive space to lean on, learn from, and celebrate each other’s successes. Together, we navigate challenging days, uplift each other through laughter and continuous curiosity, and collaboratively devise solutions. Being part of a community where we can openly address our needs, capacity, and well-being fills me with pride, energy, and profound gratitude.

Challenge: When you think about your work in this role at CEF (and/or in general at CEF) where do you find challenges and how do you seek to find the best way forward?

In all honesty, navigating anti-racist, justice-focused community work within the confines of oppressive systems like white supremacy culture presents a myriad of challenges. It’s hardly surprising, considering the extensive lists of obstacles we encounter daily within our CEF community. Thus, I find that the most daunting aspect of my role at times is simply ensuring that everyone feels empowered to engage with the supportive community that CEF has fostered. This involves ensuring that individuals feel capable of supporting others whose experiences may differ from their own, feeling supported enough to actively participate both mentally and physically, and ensuring that each Advocate feels valued and acknowledged. It’s about ensuring that they are equipped to advocate for themselves as well. To all Advocates reading this, know that you are deeply appreciated!

Etc: Is there anything else you’d like to share?

Outside of my role as APC, I thoroughly enjoy spending quality time with my partner, whether it’s at home or exploring new places. I’m currently immersed in creating Spotify playlists, particularly delving into the new-wave funk and disco movements. Exploring culinary delights at new restaurants, discovering hiking trails both nearby and across the state, and preparing meals for my loved ones are some of my cherished activities. I find solace in browsing through local bookstores, especially in search of the latest horror releases and cryptic creature-features. I strongly advocate for the importance of outdoor play and seize any opportunity to indulge myself. Although I appreciate thoughtful cuisine, if I had to pick a favorite food, it would undoubtedly be french fries. Or perhaps ice cream. When I’m up for it, I love attending drag shows, hitting the dance floor with friends, and engaging in spirited competition at local trivia nights!


May Newsletter: ConGraduations! and 2020 Annual Report

CEF Annual Report We are a resilient community 2020
2020 Annual Report we are a resilient community

2020 Annual Report

We are a Resilient Community

As CEF has grown and blossomed over the years, we have been reminded, time and again, of the importance of being nimble and adaptive as we grow. As you will see in this report, 2020 was no different. In the enclosed stories you will learn how CEF responded to COVID-19 through articles and reflections from CEF’s staff. The report also shares more information about our quantitative impact and our year-end financials. This report is dedicated to the CEF Members who moved on in 2020, we hope you will hold them in your hearts and minds as you read.

CEF 2021 Spring Appeal

2021 Spring Appeal Reminder!

Through June 30

We are near the halfway point of our 2021 Spring Appeal! New and returning donors will be matched for up to $5,000 thanks to Epworth United Methodist and an anonymous donor!

Aside from donating, there are several ways you can help contribute to CEF’s 2021 Spring Appeal! You can like and share Spring Appeal posts you see pop up on our social media outlets (Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter). Go to our Facebook page and share the fundraiser with your friends (add a little note about why CEF’s work is important to you!). You can forward this newsletter to friends who might be interested in supporting CEF’s ongoing work to end the racial wealth gap!

Thanks to everyone who has already donated and supported us during this year’s Spring Appeal!


Duke and UNC Class of 2021

May means it is graduation time! The class of 2021 is moving on to the next chapter of their lives and CEF wishes them all the best. CEF is grateful for our relationships with Duke & UNC and the wonderful, committed, kind-hearted people who decide to become Advocates. Congratulations Class of ’21! We hope you continue to stay part of this resilient community.

CEF is Hiring!

Strategic Planning Consultant

The Community Empowerment Fund is seeking an experienced strategic planning consultant to design and facilitate a participatory planning process that will create a 5 year strategic plan for the organization. Submission deadline is June 15. To learn more and apply click the button below.

Thank you Duke Progress Period and WISER!

Supplying CEF Durham with menstrual products for our community!

In early April, the Duke chapters of Progress Period and WISER held a menstrual products drive for CEF’s Durham office. The drive produced over $500 worth of menstrual products to distribute to the CEF community.

WISER works with girls to transcend poverty, HIV/AIDS, and gender-based violence by creating environments that empower young women to drive change in their communities.

Progress Period is a global, youth-powered non-profit that is fighting to end period poverty and period stigma through service, education, and advocacy.

CEF thanks the Duke chapters of these organizations for strengthening our community!

Resources of the Month

Orange County Resource of the Month:

This month, Diiv would like to highlight the Emergency Broadband Benefit (EBB). The EBB is an FCC program to help families and households struggling to afford internet service during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The EBB will provide a discount of up to $50 per month towards broadband service for eligible households and up to $75 per month for households on qualifying Tribal lands. Eligible households can also receive a one-time discount of up to $100 to purchase a laptop, desktop computer, or tablet from participating providers if they contribute more than $10 and less than $50 toward the purchase price. The EBB is limited to one monthly service discount and one device discount per household.

Enroll by visiting GetEmergencyBroadband.org

Durham County Resource of the Month:

This month, Debbie would like to highlight the Durham Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP). The ERAP is open to all Durham Residents that make 80% Area Median Income or less and are obligated to pay rent for a residential dwelling. Applicants must have experienced a hardship due to COVID-19 and demonstrate a risk of housing instability or homelessness. All applicants will need an email address to register.

The Community Empowerment Fund will support anyone in need of assistance with an application. If you are in need of assistance pleasecontactourDurham office at 919-797-9233. The application can be found at https://durhamerap.dconc.gov/cares

This project is supported, in whole or in part, by federal award numbers ERA0207, awarded to the City of Durham, and ERA0422, awarded to Durham County, by the U.S. Department of the Treasury.

Office Availability Updates

When are the offices open?

The Durham office has no closures and no changes to hours this month. The Chapel Hill office is closed June 1 and 2. Any new updates regarding hours will be shared via email and social media.

CEF Durham’s Office Hours:

Monday – Thursday: 10:00 am – 12:00 pm & 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm

Thursday: 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Friday: 1:00 pm – 3:00pm

CEF Chapel Hill’s Office Hours:

Monday-Thursday: 10:00am – 12:00pm

Monday-Thursday: 1:00pm – 3:00pm

Thurs: 5:00pm – 7:00pm

CLOSED: June 1, 2

Can I still make a virtual appointment?

Yes! CEF Members with the capacity to meet through online video chat software (like Zoom, Skype, or Google Meet) or over the phone will be encouraged to continue with this option. You can specify this option when you call the office to make an appointment.


2021 Piggy Bank Bash presented by the Center for Intentional Leadership

CEF is once again holding the Piggy Bank Bash, presented by the Center for Intentional Leadership, virtually Monday, November 8, 2021! Tickets are free, though registration is required. We strongly encourage hosting house parties with people you feel safe interacting with. More details to follow.

CEF: Community Empowerment Fund

Chapel Hill: 919-200-0233 Durham: 919-797-9233
