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Congratulations to Opportunity Circle Graduates

Paula receives her certificate for successful completion of the CEF Opportunity Circle

Paula receives her certificate for successful completion of the CEF Opportunity Circle

CEF is pleased to announce the graduation of the Rogers Road Community Opportunity Circle! Graduates completed 14 whole weeks of training, meeting weekly at the Rogers Road Community Center in Chapel Hill to teach each other financial, health, and job readiness skills.

The graduates celebrated their success on Tuesday, June 28th by recounting the goals they had set and achieved while in the program. We cooled off with some delicious Locopops, presented award certificates to participants, and brainstormed ways to stick together beyond graduation.

This group of graduates will be organizing a weekly walking group, meeting every Tuesday evening to both keep in touch and hold each other accountable to health goals set during the Opportunity Circle. We’re so glad the circle is staying together!

And, bonus points… With their success in the Opportunity Circles, these CEF members will now be able to receive a ten percent match from CEF towards their savings goals.

Congratulations all! We look forward to continuing to partner with all of you, and thank you for making us a part of your dreams.


In Loving Memory of Barney Ray Cobb

In Loving Memory of Barney Ray Cobb

Today the Community Empowerment Fund mourns the loss of our dear friend, Barney Ray Cobb. Born in 1951, Ray passed away suddenly on the night of Friday, June 3, 2011 as the result of severe cardiac arrest. CEF was blessed to be with him in his last moments, and heartbroken at the same time.

Our thoughts are with all those who knew Ray. He was such a jovial soul, and will be missed by so many. A gentleman, friend, big talker, great debater, renowned electrician, and poet, Ray was incredibly honest, genuinely caring, welcoming, and always had a witty joke to share. We were so lucky to have him as a part of our beloved community, however briefly.

CEF invites you to celebrate Ray’s life during a memorial service on Monday, June 13th at 6:00pm at HOPE Gardens in Chapel Hill. Bring stories and memories to share. Whether or not you knew Ray in life, we hope you will join all of the CEF family to honor, appreciate, and show our collective love for his memory. Please spread the word, or as Ray would say, “Tele-phone, tele-vision, tell-a-woman.”

With love and appreciation,

The CEF Family

Vision / Creation
By Barney Ray Cobb
Published in the Spring 2011 Issue of Talking Sidewalks

We see flowers—We think beauty—We feel good
We see one person help another in need
We think caring
We feel good
We see muscles—We think strength
We feel good
We see mountains—We think creation
We feel good
We see a child smile—We think love
We feel good
We help others feel good, beautiful, helpful, strong
We feel, think and see love
We help others feel, think, and see love.
We see a better and more loving universe created.


CEF Featured in Federal Reserve Bank's Magazine

Along with fellow student-run microfinance institutions from across the country, the Community Empowerment Fund was featured in an article by Lyn E. Haralson in “The Bridges,” the magazine of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.

To read the article, click here.

Thanks to the Federal Reserve Bank for sharing information with their readers about CEF’s work, and to all our fellow student-run MFI’s who do fantastic work and whom we continue to learn from — including the Intersect Fund (Rutgers University, NJ), the Elmseed Enterprise Fund (Yale University, CT), and the Capital Good Fund (Brown University, RI)


Small Business Class Tomorrow!

Wednesday, May 11th 2:30-4:00pm
Monday, May 16th 2:30-4:00pm
Wednesday, May 18th 2:30-4:00pm
Monday, May 23th 2:30-4:00pm
Wednesday, May 25th 2:30-4:00pm
Monday, June 30th 2:30-4:00pm


CEF Documentary Premier: June 12th

Sunday, June 12, 3 p.m.
Main Library, 300 N. Roxboro St.
This film, funded in part by the NC Humanities Council explores a micro-finance initiative for the homeless operated by the Community Empowerment Fund, a student-run organization based at UNC-Chapel Hill. The film follows students and clients from Chapel Hill, Hillsborough and Durham as they work together to build businesses, find housing and employment, and pursue educational opportunities. A panel discussion will follow the film.


Work with CEF This Summer!

We Need Advocates this Summer!

CEF Advocates work side by side with individuals struggling with underemployment and unemployment, saving for affordable housing, striving to start their own business, and sustainably working their way out of poverty.

As a CEF Member Advocate:

You’ll have the opportunity to work closely alongside one of our Members (homeless, unemployed, or underemployed individuals), helping to provide financial support and access to resources, as well as to build a supportive environment.

No experience necessary- we will provide training to all new volunteers!

Ready to get involved?
Information sessions will be held at 1pm on may 14th.
Contact with any questions!

Member Advocates will:

  • Believe In Possibilities
  • Budgeting
  • Resume Building
  • Job Search Assistance
  • Find Ways to Increase Income and Decrease Expenses
  • Housing Search Assistance
  • Connections to Community and Government Resources
  • Small Business Plan Preparation
  • Personal Coach for Economic Independence
  • Bond with Each Other! And Strengthen Relationships
  • Stand Up for All People
  • Explore Pathways to Higher Education
  • Fight for Financial Freedom
  • Create Positive Community

Featured Member: Equashia

One of CEF’s most well-known and vibrant members, Equashia joined the CEF family through her participation in Talking Sidewalks starting in October 2009. In 2010, Equashia graduated from the first small business training in February as well as the pilot savings circle in September.

Equashia has been a staunch advocate for CEF’s programs since the beginning, leading the effort for outreach before the first small business training, motivating and educating new volunteers during Member Advocate Training, traveling to help out at CEF speaking engagements, and telling anyone who listen about what CEF can do for them.

After her graduation from the business program, Equashia started her own business of making and selling “tar heel” scarves. She found a niche in the market with the large group of Muslim women on UNC’s campus, and was able to sell all of her merchandise in a short span of time.

In addition, Equashia has been one of our biggest savers, reaching her goal of $1,000 earlier this year! She didn’t stop there, though. Equashia has continued to save with CEF, and is currently working on a new goal. Now living in an apartment, Equashia finds time to spend time with CEF and maintain her close community ties with other organizations and communities in the area. If you haven’t met her yet, Equashia is a great friend and role model to have.


Donate & Double Your Dollars

From now until June 1st

Every Dollar You Give To CEF Will Be Doubled!

Matched up to $5,000 by the Stewards Fund.

Donations to CEF go toward:

  • Matching Savings for CEF Savers with micro-development accounts
  • Micro-Loans for Small Business Training graduates

CEF: Community Empowerment Fund

Chapel Hill: 919-200-0233 Durham: 919-797-9233
