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CEF Goes Global

CEF was started in the summer of 2009 and began recruiting to the larger student body that fall semester. Within this first round of newly recruited CEF-ers, were a few students from the Carolina Microfinance Initiative who in addition to being new to microfinance, were passionate about international development and empowering low income communities to access to financial products and services. Inspired by the personalized work and experiences in CEF, this small, but riveting group set their eyes on taking CEF’s name globally.

At its roots, microfinance was developed, has a prominent presence, and is typically known for being a powerful tool for economic development internationally. In practice, the number of microfinance groups, clients, and funding in developing countries dwarfs those of domestic microfinance. Nonetheless, this group of CEF-ers saw several industry deficiencies they believed a CEF-esc student driven model with relationships at its core, could take microfinance to the next level: A model where the people, not the finances come first.

During this time, these students were beginning to form a partnership with a Raleigh NGO, Lemonade International, who operates two elementary schools in Central America’s largest urban slum called La Limonada located in Guatemala City. While Lemonade International is having a significant impact in La Limonada working with children, they saw a need to engage and work with the adult population with entrepreneurship education and financial services. After failing to target an MFI willing to operate in the community due to the slum community’s violence, social stigma, and lack of profitability, Lemonade International met this group of CEF-ers wanting to do just that.

La Limonada, the Largest Urban Slum in Central America

La Limonada, the largest urban slum in Central America

A “red zone” in the city, La Limonada, is notorious for murder, gang violence, drug addiction, and more to the point that the government itself refuses to enter. A common phrase thrown around by the local kids say that, “not even Santa goes into La Limonada”. Armed with a small library of books on microfinance, an abundance of educational materials, and a myriad of hope and doubt, three UNC students traveled to Guatemala to explore the feasibility and applicability of a CEF-like program in La Limonada.

On ground, the three students soon realized that huge need and potential for CEF International (known as FAC in Spanish)—there were countless entrepreneurs wanting access to capital and education to jump-start their businesses, but couldn’t find it at fair and affordable rates. After hearing horror stories of the different predatory lending schemes practiced by local and national Guatemalan MFI’s, El Fondo de Apoyo Comunitario Internacional officially launched in August 2010 with support from CEF, the Carolina Microfinance Intiative, the UNC Campus Y and the Carolina Center for Public Service. This 2010 pilot program consisted of 1 loan officer, 1 education coordinator, 2 borrower groups—two joint liability 5 to 6 member loan group—and 1 savings circle—a 6 member solidarity group that strives to build assets and community.

The second FAC borrower group at a weekly meeting where they discuss topics ranging from budgeting to managing a small business

It’s been a long year for us, full of trials and triumphs the whole way, and we thank CEF for all its continued support. Aside from the name, organizational structure, and focus on relational support, CEF and FAC have something else in common: a propensity for growth, change, and empowerment. As CEF has recently acquired 501(c)(3) status and continues to enlarge its ever-growing database for meeting clients’ needs, FAC is also renovating and expanding. We’ve recently started up a CEF-inspired Savings Program with a 20% match for those who meet their savings goal. Our nine savings clients are all teachers at the Limon School in La Limonada, allowing us to build relationships with various community partners and change agents. On the loans side, our third borrower group is starting to materialize, and our two current groups who have seen their income and savings increase significantly, are set to receive their next round of loans in the next few weeks.

As we formalize our Operations Manual, the web of FAC services and products is starting to interlink nicely, and a newly developed Emergency Fund will dedicate 10% of all incoming donations to those of our clients whose emergency needs are the greatest, such as one of our borrowers whose husband recently had his appendix removed and was bedridden for a month. Finally, our Business Incubator program transforms clients’ ideas for a logo and marketing strategy into advertisement vinyls using UNC volunteer resources and local connections. As FAC continues to mature, we at “The Community Empowerment Fund International” can never forget the parental guidance we received from domestic CEF-ers as we took our first baby steps. Check out CEF’s international arm at


CEF Becomes a Non-Profit

The Community Empowerment Fund is proud to announce that we received the federal designation as a 501(c)3 tax-exempt, non-profit organization by the Internal Revenue Service! After submitting our application in April we got the letter in the mail last week and are thrilled about the many new opportunities this makes possible.

We are so thankful for all the support which has made it possible for CEF to get to this point. A big thanks to…

  • Every CEF member, for your courage, conviction, and resilience; for pushing us to be better; and for sharing, always
  • All our students and volunteers, for making CEF the vibrant and energetic force that it is, and for the many ways in which you empower
  • Our kind and supportive Board of Directors, for always being there with the right advice to help us move forward
  • Our donors and funders, for believing in the vision and giving us the resources to fulfill our mission
  • Our parent organization, HOPE, for giving us the opportunity to grow
  • Our community partners in Orange and Durham, for your generous welcome and the many lessons you have taught us
  • And all the rest of our many friends and neighbors, who have been here along the way to help in ways innumerable

CEF also sends a huge thank you to the Community Development Law Clinic of the UNC School of Law. The expert assistance of Professor Tom Kelley and third-year student Colin Shive truly made the success of this process possible.

Thank you everyone. With your support, we look forward to continuing to strive towards our mission: To cultivate opportunities, assets and communities that support the alleviation of homelessness and poverty.

P.S. With our shiny new designation as a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization, now is a great time to make a tax-deductible donation to support CEF’s work :)


CEF Small Business Class – Round 2!

small business ideas presetations

small business ideas presentations

CEF has completed 2 out of the 6 sessions of its 2nd small business course of the summer!

The first session took place in May, and was a great success! We had five graduates, many of whom are continuing to work on their business plans and next steps one-on-one with one of our great Member Advocates! Over the six sessions, we cover topics such as business ideas, pricing, bookkeeping, marketing, and legal issues. Of course, curriculum is always slightly modified to best fit the active students’ ideas.

The second session, taking place currently, is larger with approximately fifteen students. It’s fantastic to have a class with such varied experience levels, as teaching becomes more organic, with students teaching each other along the way. Group work becomes much more effective, and when a student who is in the beginning stages of his or her business plan has the opportunity to speak with someone who has been running a small business for fifteen years, there is just so much to be learned. We hope to continue the trend of having local entrepreneurs/small business owners come and share their expertise with the class. We look forward to all the great new business ideas that will come out of this session!

Finally, I’d like to speak to how incredible and generous the JobLink Career Center has been in opening their classrooms to us for both of these Small Business classes. Many of our students are familiar and comfortable with the center, which definitely makes our job easier. Thanks to Joblink for being such a great community partner!

Classes are Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2-4pm at the JobLink Center on Franklin Street. Please feel welcome to join us.


Congratulations to Opportunity Circle Graduates

Paula receives her certificate for successful completion of the CEF Opportunity Circle

Paula receives her certificate for successful completion of the CEF Opportunity Circle

CEF is pleased to announce the graduation of the Rogers Road Community Opportunity Circle! Graduates completed 14 whole weeks of training, meeting weekly at the Rogers Road Community Center in Chapel Hill to teach each other financial, health, and job readiness skills.

The graduates celebrated their success on Tuesday, June 28th by recounting the goals they had set and achieved while in the program. We cooled off with some delicious Locopops, presented award certificates to participants, and brainstormed ways to stick together beyond graduation.

This group of graduates will be organizing a weekly walking group, meeting every Tuesday evening to both keep in touch and hold each other accountable to health goals set during the Opportunity Circle. We’re so glad the circle is staying together!

And, bonus points… With their success in the Opportunity Circles, these CEF members will now be able to receive a ten percent match from CEF towards their savings goals.

Congratulations all! We look forward to continuing to partner with all of you, and thank you for making us a part of your dreams.


In Loving Memory of Barney Ray Cobb

In Loving Memory of Barney Ray Cobb

Today the Community Empowerment Fund mourns the loss of our dear friend, Barney Ray Cobb. Born in 1951, Ray passed away suddenly on the night of Friday, June 3, 2011 as the result of severe cardiac arrest. CEF was blessed to be with him in his last moments, and heartbroken at the same time.

Our thoughts are with all those who knew Ray. He was such a jovial soul, and will be missed by so many. A gentleman, friend, big talker, great debater, renowned electrician, and poet, Ray was incredibly honest, genuinely caring, welcoming, and always had a witty joke to share. We were so lucky to have him as a part of our beloved community, however briefly.

CEF invites you to celebrate Ray’s life during a memorial service on Monday, June 13th at 6:00pm at HOPE Gardens in Chapel Hill. Bring stories and memories to share. Whether or not you knew Ray in life, we hope you will join all of the CEF family to honor, appreciate, and show our collective love for his memory. Please spread the word, or as Ray would say, “Tele-phone, tele-vision, tell-a-woman.”

With love and appreciation,

The CEF Family

Vision / Creation
By Barney Ray Cobb
Published in the Spring 2011 Issue of Talking Sidewalks

We see flowers—We think beauty—We feel good
We see one person help another in need
We think caring
We feel good
We see muscles—We think strength
We feel good
We see mountains—We think creation
We feel good
We see a child smile—We think love
We feel good
We help others feel good, beautiful, helpful, strong
We feel, think and see love
We help others feel, think, and see love.
We see a better and more loving universe created.


CEF Featured in Federal Reserve Bank's Magazine

Along with fellow student-run microfinance institutions from across the country, the Community Empowerment Fund was featured in an article by Lyn E. Haralson in “The Bridges,” the magazine of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.

To read the article, click here.

Thanks to the Federal Reserve Bank for sharing information with their readers about CEF’s work, and to all our fellow student-run MFI’s who do fantastic work and whom we continue to learn from — including the Intersect Fund (Rutgers University, NJ), the Elmseed Enterprise Fund (Yale University, CT), and the Capital Good Fund (Brown University, RI)


Small Business Class Tomorrow!

Wednesday, May 11th 2:30-4:00pm
Monday, May 16th 2:30-4:00pm
Wednesday, May 18th 2:30-4:00pm
Monday, May 23th 2:30-4:00pm
Wednesday, May 25th 2:30-4:00pm
Monday, June 30th 2:30-4:00pm


CEF Documentary Premier: June 12th

Sunday, June 12, 3 p.m.
Main Library, 300 N. Roxboro St.
This film, funded in part by the NC Humanities Council explores a micro-finance initiative for the homeless operated by the Community Empowerment Fund, a student-run organization based at UNC-Chapel Hill. The film follows students and clients from Chapel Hill, Hillsborough and Durham as they work together to build businesses, find housing and employment, and pursue educational opportunities. A panel discussion will follow the film.

CEF: Community Empowerment Fund

Chapel Hill: 919-200-0233 Durham: 919-797-9233
